Tuesday, May 28, 2013

May 28, June 3, June 5, June 11 (June 7 and 10 are holidays - no classes)

Year 6 - on to the Design.

Today and Monday using paper and pencil (colored pencils/crayons/markers) you will create 2 designs on paper.

  • design 2 possible cereal boxes
  • evaluate against your design specification (Example: Design 1 meets my design specification because it: )
  • choose 1 design (Example: I choose design 1 because . . .)
  • write a paragraph to say why you chose it.
To get a 5-6: The student generates two complete detailed  designs and selects one with several reasons. The student attempts to explain how his/her design meets his/her specifications.

REMEMBER: all your information (information, facts, vocabulary, crossword puzzle, wordsearch, pictures, illustrations, rules, advice, etc.) AND your first name and tutor group must fit on the back of the cereal box. 

IB Learner Profile - Risk Taker

Learning objective: create designs and communicate them.

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