Saturday, January 18, 2014

2. Develop A Design Brief

1.  15 minutes typing
2.  Investigate worksheet,

Well done Year 6.  Now we are on to the 2nd stage of the Investigate: Develop A Design Brief.

Decide which recipe that means something to you and your family that you would like to share with the class.

Then do a "keyword" search on to find your recipe in English.

For example: bolo chocolate recipe in English
                      bolo de coco recipe in English
                      coq au vin recipe in English  (Try this and see what happens:-)

    a. decide on a recipe
    b. copy/paste the recipe to an open office document
    c. save document 
    d. print document, staple it to your Term 2 Investigate worksheet

IB Learner Profile - Inquirer

Learning objective: The student will develop research strategies, record sources and document learning.

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