Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Monday, September 15, 2014

September 16, 18

Good Morning Year 6. On our agenda today:

1.  Typing Lessons/Games:

2. the MYP Design Cycle - let's explore this pattern!

Criterion A - Inquiring and analysing
  • Explain and justify the need
  • Identify and prioritize the research
  • Analyse a range of existing products
  • Summarize the analysis of the research
Criterion B - Developing ideas
  • Develop a design specification
  • Develop a range of design ideas
  • Present and justify the final chosen design
  • Develop planning drawings/diagrams
Criterion C - Creating the solutiobn
  • Construct a logical plan
  • Demonstrate technical skills
  • Follow the plan to make the solution
  • Justify changes made to the design
Criterion D - Evaluating
  • Design testing methods
  • Evaluate the success of the solution
  • Explain how the solution could be improved
  • Explain the impact of the solution


September 9, 12

Year 6, welcome to Design.

Let's get started with sorting out usernames and passwords and log in to the OIS computers.

Then, let's start typing lessons!  (