Thursday, April 23, 2015

April 23, 28, 30

As we discussed, we will create 3 different "designs" for your recipe flyer.

You will draw (in pencil) your design, then add colours and pictures;)

Monday, April 20, 2015

April 21, 24

Criterion B

Year 6, here are the tasks that we need to submit as part of Criterion B:
   i.  develop a list of success criteria for the solution
  ii. present feasible design ideas, which can be corrected interpreted by others
 iii. present the chosen design
  iv. create a planning drawing/diagram which outlines the main details for making the chosen solution.

Let's begin;)

1) Open a Word document,
2) Type your name at the upper left hand margin,
3) Hit enter twice,
4) Type CRITERION  B  -  Developing Ideas   (Font size 14, Center),
5) Type the following:

My recipe flyer  must have the following success criteria:

Include at least 4 success criteria for your recipe flyer and justify.

Some examples are:
picture of the final product
auto shape (stars and banners)
big title

Monday, April 13, 2015

April 14, 16

Year 6, there is 1 more step for Criterion A: Develop a Design Brief (strand 4).

You have collected a lot of information that requires analysis and a summary. The design brief contains only useful information. The design brief should outline what you intend to design to "solve your problem", provide answers to each of the research questions, and clarify the essential and desirable features of a solution. It should also state values that the design must meet, such as the following.

  • When designing a bird house, the student may have researched the size of desired birds and therefore determined the size of the entry hole to the bird house.
  • When designing a new noodle product, the student may have determined the “base” recipe for making the noodles as part of his or her research.
  • When designing a web page, the student may have identified certain fonts or images that need to be included.
  • When designing a video game, the student may have identified particular sprites that he or she will use to represent the main characters in the game. 
When writing a design brief
Students should:
Students should NOT:
  • present information concisely
  • explain how and why the information is relevant to solving the problem
  • evaluate the validity of the data
  • present their research in an appendix
  • cite all sources of information using appropriate conventions.
  • write large paragraphs of text
  • include statements that do not relate to solving the problem
  • make statements without evidence from expert opinion or data
  • include all of their research within the body of the project.

Examples of a design brief can be found here:

Your task:
1) Open your document
2) Write your design brief (based on our class discussion)
3) Print your final document and submit.